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Game details
Puzzle Inlay game

Puzzle Inlay

Genre: puzzle
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This game is for real puzzle aficionados. Puzzle Inlay is a thought-provoking mosaic of delight, it will stimulate your mind and arouse your creativity. The idea behind the game is simple but brilliant — you are given different pictures you have to inlay with gems of various shapes. The gems pass by at the bottom of the screen, slowly accumulating. You can pick any you want. But if you wait for too long, the gems will block the traffic and you will lose. Simple, isn’t it? Simple, but not necessarily easy.

You have four different special power-ups at your disposal in Puzzle Inlay — hammer, magic wand, transformer and sand-glass. These are given to you to make your life a little bit easier, since the level of difficulty keeps increasing as you pass onto new levels.

Puzzle Inlay is the sparkling puzzle game that started it all and hooked millions. Don’t wait, inlay today!


Puzzle Inlay game screenshot Puzzle Inlay game screenshot Puzzle Inlay game screenshot Puzzle Inlay game screenshot

System requirements

  • Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • DirectX 7.0
  • 32 MB RAM
  • Processor 266 MHz