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Game details
Fairy Island game

Fairy Island

Genre: puzzle / collapse
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Take a trip to Fairy Island and save the fairies from the claws of the evil pirates in this amazing match-3 game! Get help from friendly fairies for exciting action and useful perks, like extra points or painting tokens different colors. Twisted with hidden-object and reflex-testing mini-games, Fairy Island will keep you enchanted for days!

Fairy Island was a magical place untouched by human hands. But when Pirates wash up on shore, it spells trouble for everyone. Now the poor fairies are trapped inside magic crystals, and it’s up to you to break them out. On your quest, you’ll travel across the enchanted forests of Fairy Island, collecting golden acorns along the way. Then visit the Fairy Fare, where a golden acorn can buy unique fairy magic.

In Fairy Island you must catch every acorn. Anything less is failure and that means no bonus acorn to use for power-ups. So if you miss an acorn early in the mini-game, you might not bother with the rest of them unless you care about high scores. On the other hand, it makes earning power ups more challenging. It’s possible you won?t have all the power up upgrades at the end of the first trip through story mode.


Fairy Island game screenshot Fairy Island game screenshot Fairy Island game screenshot Fairy Island game screenshot

System requirements

  • Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
  • DirectX 8.0
  • Processor 600 MHz
  • 256 MB RAM